Monday, August 31, 2009


My.. inner legs hurt.

Maybe I shouldve taken them more seriously when they said 'youd be hurting tomorrow' after my lesson..

But oh well, no big problem :D I can deal with pain.

Oh! I made cookies, so Im happy.


Saturday, August 29, 2009


Finished my riding lesson :D

Was uber good. I was riding a 15hh 6yr old lazy boy named Pete, he's a bay standardbred and he was all flooofy. *loves the floofyness*

I didnt fall off. Which is awesome. I also got stuck on him though... I dont think I can get off well.... I tried a few different ways, but my body doesnt bend much ^^"

But he was lovely, even my n00bness didnt seem to bother him.

His walk was probably the slowest walk ever! but his trot was nice, very bumpy, I have to get used to standing up and down as he trots.. I almost had it today.

He hated going in the puddles (it was all wet and icky today) and kept wanting to go his own way. Ive got to be a bit tougher with him I suppose.

Ill get the hang of it soon :)

Im going to book in weekly lessons. Ill stay on Pete for a while, until I get a bit more confidence, then when the instructor thinks its okay, Ill try a different horse.

Costs me AUS$60 for an hour lesson.. I think I need a job. Maybe when I know more about them, I can help out around the centre for a discount.



Friday, August 28, 2009

Horse riding lessons

Booked in my first ever horse riding lesson for tomorrow.

Wish me luck!

The person I talked to over the phone sounded nice, had to ask my height and weight and such.. I have no clue what I weigh, Im 'festively plump' XD

Im real excited about the lesson, no doubt youll be hearing about it tomorrow. I really hope I dont make a fool of myself ..

Im going to be having weekly or bi-weekly lessons.. I need em if Im going to get a horse.

The search is depressing me, I keep seeing 'not for beginner' 'suit experienced rider' 'suit confident rider'... *sigh* No one would let me buy their horse.. but I suppose I dont blame them.

My brother, the antichrist

He seriously is..

Evil little bugger.

He's only seven, and I swear he is evil. He woke me up, and probably the whole street, but screaming and yelling for mother to get up. God forbid you do something he doesnt want you to!


He does have ADHD and probably aspergers, but I dont care. He's a brat. He's constantly screaming orders at you and sooking if you say no.

I have veeeery little tolerance for him. He's the only one who can really piss me off.

Dog is back

After being gone over 3hrs, my dog is back.

I can breathe again, she is safe and unharmed.

Thank god.

I still hate those other dogs though.

We've tried so damn much to keep our dogs in. But it seems the nuisance dogs just torment our dogs whenever theyre outside but just constantly barking at them until my dogs go over to them.

Bloody dogs..


Bloody dogs

I knew today was going to be a shit day.

First of all, I woke up nicely, all happy and jolly, then as I was stretching the tiredness from my muscles I strained one.. it bloody cramped up on me like a vice was crushing it. Twas my calf muscle too, so now Ill be limping around like an idiot for a while.. its been quite a few hours since then and it still hurts! Grrr....

Anyway, then as I let my dogs out to do their... business.. the bloody nuisance dogs across the road call them over. I wasnt fast enough to get both my dogs inside so one has ran off.. its been 2-3 hours since then, and she is still not back.

And those bloody dogs just keep barking!

I went for a walk to try and find my dog, but with no luck. If she's been picked up by the pound Im going to get reeeally shitty!

Im sick of the dogs across the road. They are constantly barking.

And we have to keep our dogs locked inside all day or else the nuisance dogs keep barking until they come over.

Bloody hell....

I hope she gets back soon.

Im getting really scared that somethings happened to her.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wanna go outsiiide

Didnt feel like looking for any horses today. Tis a bit too stressful for me.

I did however get rid of heaps of art on my to-do list :D Im so much closer to doing art for myself again :D

I feel like I should be talking about something serious, but Im really not in a serious mood right now. Im in a rather tired mood really .. I wish to go out someday soon and take more photos or just go for a walk to my favourite place in the forest beneath an old bridge and just.. I dunno, sketch, take photos, read, anything! I havent been outside much for soooo long :( Its just so darn cold! The moment I step outside all I wanna do is snuggle back into my nice warm bed..

Mmmmm, bed... sounds good...

But Im still a little too pepped up. Maybe I could read a bit, Ive nearly finished White Fang.. I really like how its not all "happy and flowers and rainbows" n crap.. its really realistic-esc.

I also like how they have how the wolf is thinking, but not /what/ it is thinking.. like its not talking...

*le sigh* Im babbling now.

Im sorry.

Ill leave you to your wanderings :)


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why hat?

"Hymns in a Hat"

Thats my URL name thingy.

Reason is, Im Hymns and I wear a hat bloody everywhere.

Thats cause I have had chemical burns to my scalp + skin grafts... blah blah..

Anyway, thats why I am Hymns in a Hat :)

Please dont ask for more details, it really doesnt change who I am at all :)


A little pony

Ive been working on this little pony thing for a few days now.

Yush I uber suck at scultures!

Shuddup.... ^^"

But Im proud of it, and I think is cute. Im going to paint it next, then find some yarn or something for the mane and tail.

Chibbis are awesome. Hopefully next I can make a bigger and more awesome one :P


Yes thats me. I figured its cool to have a face to the writer, so there you go.

I feel like a tool for uploading a photo of myself taken by a webcam. But Im too lazy to even attempt to take a proper one.

But oh well.


TB Mare

*Uber caffinated*

Hmm, well it seems there are a lot of TBs around, and some are goooorgeous! I called up a lady about her 10yr old 16.2hh chestnut TB mare today, and she said that she had the sweetest temperament and is very suitable for beginners. Uber awesome :)

Only issue, she's no longer with them.. no not dead, but owned by someone else, but by what the lady said, they are not happy with the horse, as they want one of a higher level to go into competitions and such.. yadda yadda.. so she is going to give them my number for when they sell the horse.

*Fingers crossed*

This is a lovely sounding mare, I hope I get the chance to see her and if all looks good.. buy her :)

But no, Ill still not jump to loving this mare, just for what I can tell she seems ideal.

Anywho! *rant rave*

I cant seem to sit still, and that has caused me to babble about something no one but me is really interested in.. my apologies.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ad Frustration

Today Im having yet another lazy day, so far no caffeine so Im sorry but this post shall be bland.

Ill probably start again my search for a horse through online advertisements, but not find anything but stupidity. It seriously making my brain bleed all the poorly written and bad photographed ads I see :(

I want a horse damnit, but Im not going to pick the first one I see or like. Im being very serious here. As I have practically no riding experience I need a sensible horse. As I am quite tall, I need a horse who is also quite tall. I need one between 8-12yrs old and $2000-10,000. I care nothing for colour or breed.. but alas this is surprisingly hard to find.. and when I find one that is right, I doubt they would let it go to someone as inexperienced as me *cries*

So I am going to get riding lessons, only I have contacted a local equestrian centre and they havent contacted me back... *sigh* This is clearly going to take a while..

Anyway, I might do some drawing later to calm my nerves, Ive also been reading a lot lately, at the moment Im reading White Fang by John London.. tis pretty cool :)




Im 18 and people call me Hymns or Elle. You may call me Pinnochio if it makes you happy it makes no difference :)

I am a strange teenager as I dont tend to think like one and certainly not act like one. I suppose you would call me childish or a loner.. however I am not childish, given that I have not had any caffine but I suppose I am a loner, I prefer to say Im an "artist" .... bad joke bad joke..

Im going to write here whatever I wish, I want to voice my opinions about things, pimp my art and hopefully learn a few things from passers by, maybe I could even teach you a few things.

Some things I suppose Ill talk about are my pets, everyone of them seems insane, one even eats fluff But I love them. And some of their antics are too good to ignore.

Ill also be talking about my search for a horse and whatever interesting things I find on the way.

I hope you enjoy my blog, for it is my boredom + excess caffeine that makes it :D
